

Source: Yongkang Zhongyi Manufacture & Trade Co., Ltd.Publication time:2017-12-05

In July 15, 2016, G25 long Shenzhen Expressway (Jin Liwen) a devastating accident with 18 tons of lubricating oil leakage Yongxiang section of Yongkang river.

My unit as the rescue volunteer participants, from July 15th 8 onwards until the end of the end of September, after 75 days, emergency rescue activities from first to last participated in the accident.

According to statistics, the total removal of emergency activities, Yongxiang river polluted waters, the length of about 1000 meters, an area of about 20 thousand square meters; recycling and harmless treatment of oil mixtures containing adsorption materials about 30?tons; the oil spilled into the waters of the river Yongxiang all removed, in a move to break the existing record similar direct jurisdiction; the removal of oil spill pollution is the high-speed highways department of contaminated pavement and bridge section of the road?slope of about 300 square meters; the elimination of pollution and improvement and ecological restoration of contaminated land, about 20 acres of farmland.

The accident occurred after 3 months, Yongkang city water department and the Environmental Protection Bureau, water quality monitoring and long-term observation of contaminated water every day, were not found because of the accident caused by Xi Yongxiang adverse effects?on downstream water quality and Wuyi River comprehensive environmental domain. In fact, Yongkang led the massive spill oil accident emergency rescue activities are successful, is a beneficial practice led by the government, departments, social participation, trust model?of people rely on the masses to victory, is also an innovative technology for oil spill emergency response and a successful example. In a large oil spill occurred after the accident, the emergency plan of Yongkang city to carry out correct material guarantee fully,actively participate in social forces, cadres and departments in close collaboration and unity, effective protection of the Li River and the Wuyi River downstream of Yongkang, Jinhua River, Lan Jiang, the Fuchun River and other waters from the oil spill pollution, held a?modest contribution to the the force for the protection of the G20 summit in Hangzhou victory.

The July 1st five G25 long Shenzhen Expressway (Jin Liwen) Yongkang section of large oil spill accidents, bold use of the patent technology innovation in domestic absorption, less manpower, and achieved complete success. Expropriated emergency materials statistics:

1.: in the consumption of emergency supplies wing FG particle adsorption 6.62 tons, 1.54 tons, adsorption pad wing suction drag bar 360 meters, PP recycling bags 520, 40, one water assault boat 2. Up to 30 tons of solid oil waste were collected and collected for?municipal sanitation, which has been used as a harmless treatment for incineration and power generation.

2. manpower: Yongkang medium wing industry and Trade Co., Ltd. 101 people, the Yongkang Millennium rescue team of 66 people, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the number of units are not included in.

Above 3., the cost of emergency materials was 348790 yuan, the labor cost was 87804 yuan, and the total cost was 436594 yuan. All the social rescue organizations paid the expenses.

First, emergency replay

The early morning of July 15, 2016, Ningbo Binhai Petrochemical Co. Ltd. - owned Zhejiang B.H679 tank in G25 long deep (Jin Liwen) highway, from Lishui to the direction of travel to Yongkang toll station near the 1 km road Fu Dian Cun bridge at the time, because the?drive shaft fracture top car body tank, causing 18 tons of lubricating oil are leaking, sudden formation large environmental pollution event. These oil along the river, Li Xi River and Yongkang Yongxiang float, if not timely interception, the oil may reach downstream the?Jinhua River, Wu Yijiang, Lan Jiang, and Qianjiang? Spring basin, and will seriously affect the preparations for the G20 summit in Hangzhou smoothly.

In June 4, 2011, the province had occurred earthquake emergency environmental pollution: Beijing Hangzhou the Hangxinjing high-speed 2 kilometers away from the Fuchun River, a chemical tankers of 22 tons of phenol leakage accident occurred. Because of the limitations of?the level of science and technology by the time, emergency rescue personnel using the method of sand landfill disposal plan and water erosion, lime and activated carbon adsorption and traditional, and coincides with the torrential rain, so that the leakage of chemicals?penetrated into the Fuchun River, resulting in 450 thousand along the residential water and aquatic animals and plants along the river pollution, cause social panic the direct and indirect losses immeasurable etc.. Fortunately, this scene did not repeat the large oil?spill emergency disposal activities in July 1st five in Yongkang city. The focus of world attention G20 Hangzhou summit preparatory activities near misses.

According to the emergency plan of Yongkang City, municipal government emergency office director Tong Ansheng quickly launched the emergency plan, rely on and trust the masses, against all the odds, decisively called social forces, mobilize the environmental pollution?emergency team is in the city of Yongkang wing industry and trade limited company and the emergency team to participate in emergency activities, using the patent of oil spill emergency disposal technology, the serious emergencies resolved, did not cause any pollution?damage to the waters and the surrounding environment, will be a potentially serious environmental accident alerted the world to eliminate the invisible.

Two. Response to emergency instructions

At about 7:50 on the morning of July 15, 2016, I just get up, mobile phone suddenly rang, emergency command call came Yongkang City Public Security Bureau 110 Command Center for Lv Ziyun: "Wenzhou to Yongkang Expressway area occurred 18 tons of oil spill accidents,please quickly organized manpower to the rescue".

I did not dare to delay a moment, immediately ordered the emergency team responsible person. The pollution control wing emergency team has been in the environment of our city emergency office several times of emergency drills, emergency accidents already familiar. At?that time, the chief engineer Huang Jianxing, environmental engineer Huang Jinzhuo, vice captain Lang Hongxin, Xu Xiaomei, Zhan Qiuyun, Xu Zhuhai, team Wang Jinxia more than 10 players, just have to work, after the electrical connection, with fast speed, traveling in 2?cars owned by enterprises emergency special vehicles, also equipped with wing FG booms, adsorption pad, adsorption, particle dredging and other emergency supplies about 3000 kg, immediately at 8 in the morning to the destination. The departure time is about ten minutes?from the 110 instruction. At 8:20, I and my assistant, Jing Ren Lei, after a preliminary grasp of the disaster, went directly from home to the scene. Hu Wujun, the captain of the emergency team, drove to work on the way to work, and also received instructions from Lv?Ziyun. It was about 20 minutes to get to the scene of the accident.

There was an interlude: the emergency car that started at the time stalled 20 points at the entrance to the freeway. Since the entrance has not received the emergency instructions from Hangzhou, it is impossible to guide our rescue vehicles to the accident site in time.

I call the emergency situation, with the traffic control departments of the provinces after the multi link, emergency vehicles 4 squadron promptly under the guidance of the traffic police in Jinhua, arrived at the scene of the accident. The director of the Yongkang?emergency linkage office, the Municipal Public Security Bureau Lv Ziyun, the environmental protection and the high speed road administration related comrades have also come to the scene.

Three. A rescue plan is made on the spot:

Through the survey the scene of the accident inquiry and observation, we understand that 18 tons of oil spill accident vehicles have been leaking into the road, slowly flow path and road slope roadside ditches.

I immediately put forward the following advice to the field commander:

In the first 1. Caoguan car around the oil spill oil spill spread FG oil granules, quickly leakage of pavement dirty oil by physical adsorption, and then cleaning to recycling bags, to avoid passing vehicles to prevent skidding road. 2. for accidentally into the rivers?of oil spill, the upstream downstream of containment, interception, water on the implementation of physical adsorption, and adsorption material will drag the recovery of all harmless disposal. 3. treatment objectives: try to limit the oil spill in a small range to ensure?that the leakage of oil is not allowed to flow into the Yongkang river. All the existing polluted areas are treated by physical adsorption, and the harm of environmental impact is reduced. The above scheme is implemented immediately after reporting the permission of the?responsible comrades on the spot.

Four. The process of emergency handling of oil spill:

8:30 on July 15, 2016, our staff first for the oil spill Road, after broadcasting of adsorbed particles, and then with a broom and simple method of treatment, the oil spill clean all adsorption. Observe the scene officers and did not leave the naked eye, grease with?toilet paper wipe the surface, without water to clean up, the vehicle does not slip requirements. At 9:40, after acceptance by the Rescue Department of the traffic police, the closed section was released. The comrades of Zhejiang road administration department highly?appraised the effect of this new adsorption material. It is suggested that the highway rescue department should be listed as an oil spill emergency reserve.

When we started working on the oil spill, the 18 tons of oil filled in the oil tank were not a few. All the spilled oil has long been spilled into the slit diversion channel of the road slope, which is about 50 meters long, 1 meters wide and 0.5 meters high in slope. The?middle wing emergency crew used the FG adsorption package to build up the blocking wall in the lower reaches of the ditch. At that time, Chen Rongcai, a driver, didn't realize that if the oil spill was not disposed in time, it would cause serious consequences to the?water environment. He had asked for temporary adsorption instead of waiting for the company to send cars to pick up the dirty oil, so as to reduce his losses. So that we have delayed our precious emergency disposal of golden time. In fact, as late as 12, the car from the?accident vehicle company sent a recycling car to the scene and only recovered about 1-2 tons of dirty oil. When the channel and you (Fu Diancun) irrigation canal intersection, waiting for oil pumping to a long time, the delay time of adsorption. When the pumping truck?left after the emergency team was permitted to fully carry out rescue activities adsorption. At this time a lot of brown blue oil has seepage to the surrounding canals, farmland, seedling, field, lotus pond, and toward the direction of drift Yongxiang creek. I?participate in the field according to the previous oil spill emergency experience should be timely leak containment, otherwise oil once flowed Yongxiang Creek downstream, less than 24 hours, the oil will downstream runoff of Yongkang River and Wuyi River, Li River,Jinhua River, river, along the river caused by large environmental pollution events may cause the significant social impact to preparations for the G20 summit in Hangzhou. Therefore, the urgent affairs of the business should be set up in the downstream.

The scene immediately decided by the Hu Wujun captain to be the site command, the rate of 10 members of the professional rescue team immediately divided into action. We rushed into the bleached brown oil polluted river with the scorching sun, regardless of the toxicity?and pungent smell of the lubricant. We used barrier materials to separate and remove dirty oil. At the same time, Lang Hongxin immediately appointed Hu Xiongzhi 2 players, rushed to the distance from the oil spill location 2 km away from the river downstream Yongxiang?containment, looking for a good place to set suction drag fence. In order to find the appropriate containment terrain, they shoulder about 35 kilograms, up to 10 meters of oil drag fence, repeatedly looking at unfamiliar terrain conditions, investigation difficult and in?depth knee of the river was washed away, the shoes also did not find. The toes were drawn out of the blood by the sharp stones of the river. Finally found the highway from the oil spill 1 kilometers downstream of the dam on the bridge. It is found that the rock dam is?suitable for the delivery of oil sucking trailing hurdles. From 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., they had successfully set up 50 FG long oil barriers before blocking oil spill. Later developments have proved that this measure has made a valuable time for the implementation of the?prevention of the spread of pollution sources.

In this field of war, more than 10 middle wing emergency members were also busy at 1 p.m. The leaders and staff of various government departments have been withdrawn temporarily. Wing emergency team despite fatigue, still continue to Fu Dian Cun drains on both sides, to?carry out their work on oil forest and farmland, mainly for export of oil spill containment adsorption.

At this time there came the news in the park booms at the dam inspection team, found that there are a large number of floating oil slick River upstream to downstream floating. This is because there is a process of infiltration of oil into the soil and sand to penetrate?the river bed. Captain Hu Wujun rushed to the park dam survey can scarcely wait, that oil together more, immediately report to the emergency command, while decisive command everyone into the rescue activities. Huang Jinzhuo, an environmental engineer of the fast wing?company, drives a vehicle to carry its own medium wing FG adsorbents and instruments to and from the emergency material reserve. Wing player Zhan Qiuyun and Zhuhai regardless of fatigue, no sweaty and thirsty, immediately carrying hand-held adsorption material, body is?full of oil immersed in water, to the river to throw the FG adsorption of granular materials in white. Lang Hongxin, Xu Xiaomei, Wang Jinxia, Hu Xiongzhi and other players, not in the knees in the water, put some suction drag bar, handling some adsorption materials, some?with homemade dredging, the oil into the adsorption of granular brown salvaged, installed in the recycling bag. The quality of a bag of 10 kilograms of a bag of adsorption material, after the oil absorption, back to the bag is up to 50 kilograms, it takes 2 people to?carry it.

At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the more oil floats on the surface of the water. The spilled oil in the morning was surged through the gravel and water at the bottom of the river bed, and the river was covered with an oil layer of several centimeters thick. At this?time, the existing area of more than 10 people in the wing of the emergency team, obviously can not cope with such a large oil spill accident. I will make a prompt decision, while emergency office director Tong Ansheng to report the situation with WeChat: "the situation?is critical, the sudden change of climate, consider the evening thunderstorms attacks, government agencies request additional staff, urgent water, electricity and other boats at night rescue facilities. No delay. " Quickly contact the reserve bank to increase the?transport of emergency supplies.

Oil pollution area continues to expand, add FG booms and other supplies were shipped to the wing, the players tired of continuous operation, rushing to put FG oil particles (PAD), let the adsorption material to control oil with floating diffusion. The white adsorbent?particles are covered with the river. Wing emergency team Xiang Qiuyun regardless of personal safety, waste oil river flooded the chest jumped in, take the way the 5 booms are fixed, a lot of dirty oil blocking。In the park in the upstream dam limit. Other players gathered around the dam and gathered their energy to pick up the saturated dirty oil particles and collect them.

Yongkang municipal Party committee, municipal government, emergency office, environmental protection bureau and other relevant departments of the leadership development after learning the danger, also rushed to the park to the city of Jinhua dam, emergency experts also?heard the news: "river oil sewage pumped to the storage tank." The scheme has not been adopted because of its unconditional implementation. The emergency office and the environmental protection agency immediately posted news in the WeChat group. The environmental?protection department of emergency from the job market found two group of temporary workers, promised to pay 80 yuan / hour wage, but agricultural

The migrant workers look at the middle - wing players who have no head and neck. They all shake their heads and say such hard money can't make a profit. At this time a number of social volunteer service teams of women can smell and fast, because the river deep water, dam?surface slick, had to leave the scene to discourage lesbian.

On the occasion of the crisis, the 110 Millennium water professional rescue team assigned by the Yongkang emergency linkage center came to reinforcements in time. More than 3 o'clock in the afternoon, more than 20 folk volunteers, voluntarily formed by the bosses of the?enterprises, carried 2 rubber boats to the scene with their own cars. These volunteers are young and strong, extraordinary skill, full of vigor and vitality, in the water with the wing to carry out rescue team, Buweijianxian, significantly speeding up the rescue process.At the same time, there are more and more oil pollution on the river surface. Only more than 30 people obviously can't get close to 1 kilometers in time, and the oil absorbing particles that are 50 meters wide are all salvaged. If not timely salvage, come in case of?storm flood, may shatter the suction drag bar, oil washed and discharged into the Yongkang River, Wuyi River and Wujiang river.

At this time, it will increase the amount of work by nearly 100 times, and it will inevitably cause panic to social stability. Wing emergency captain Hu Wujun proposed decisively, in view of the above situation, in the garden on the beach side dug a dam on the left bank?of the sewage storage pit, the brown particles in the water saturated adsorption of the drainage pit, to temporary storage, prevention was washed away by the flood. But as soon as this proposal was put forward, it was blocked by the crowd.

There were two local women and villagers who were asked to charge 2000 yuan for the compensation in order to allow the construction. Seeing the floating oil come together more, the players were all worried.

At 5 o'clock, it will soon turn the rescue team late, tired and hungry and thirsty, at this critical moment, the leadership of Yongkang city quickly again to park dam.

Hu Wujun, the central wing emergency team, immediately reported to the city leaders and asked for it.

1. to carry out emergency work at night, should be equipped with lighting power.

2. in the left bank dam called excavator dug to accommodate temporary reservoir of about 80 cubic meters, will not try to salvage the oil particles before draining into the sealed in order to prevent flood, broke through the fence threatening downstream.

3. request "Qianxi rescue team" overnight boats to help collect oil fence, ensure no pollution.

4. do a good job of prevention measures, the implementation of local village cadres to help do the night fence facilities to guard, to prevent man-made factors to spill the oil spill flow into the rivers of Yongkang river.

In the city emergency management office and other departments under the guidance of the leadership of the scene, decisive transfer to a large excavator, digging a hole to the left half of the bank. The power supply department put up temporary electricity in time, the?riverside scene is bright as day.

The temporary storage pool dug, everyone to dining with the rescue team of more than 20 people into tense rescue, wing and Millennium rescue team together, soak about 2 meters of water, struggling to pull tens of meters long suction drag bar, will guide the inflow of oil?particles Everfount pit. At this time the sky is late, the clouds are dense and the thunder is hidden. All the members of the team were hungry. At first the sweat was drenched, and there was no thirst in the back.

Sweat. What is more difficult is the censure of the crowd and some ununderstanding of the people's reproach. Some people sneer at how much money you have made in this big project. However, we have no time to pay attention to these unaccountable accusations. There is no?idea in your mind. There is only one belief. We represent the people of Yongkang. We must not let oil spill out. We cannot let G20 Hangzhou summit be ashamed of it. We are composed of the Millennium rescue team

A solidarity, dedication and disaster relief activities, while the surrounding oil, while spreading oil particles, we have only one conviction, never let a drop of oil flowing into the dam, in order to protect the Yongkang River, in order to G20 security summit in?Hangzhou, to live up to the social responsibility of the party and the people's expectations, we have a go in oil and determined to fight, no one chickened out. The bad news came at this time, 2 flush

The front boat rubber boat is corroded by oil, and the millennial players can only be soaked in the oily water. Lv Ziyun, director of the 110 command center of the public security, learned that he had a special delivery to Yongkang special meat and wheat cakes for the?people to fill the hunger, and at the same time, the table poplar encouraged everyone.

The government emergency office director Tong Yasukatsu call continuously danger, still worried, night back on the dam together with you in the rescue, through our concerted efforts, adhere to at 11 o'clock, finally will be more than 10 tons of oil particles floating in?the river, and a number of surrounding into the pool of storage. Also in the river and then spread a layer of FG oil particles (pad). The players have been standing unstable at the end of the work

But none of them complained that they were proud to have done a good thing for themselves to ensure the security of the G20 Hangzhou summit. The leaders of the anti pollution brigade of the Environmental Protection Bureau stayed home very late.

5 July 16th morning, wing captain Hu Wujun early in the morning, didn't eat breakfast, then drove to the park dam site. When he saw the garden fence fence dam did not shift, drop out of the clear water river, just a stone floor put a heart. But the original oil upstream?channel blocking, last night by the burst, the remaining oil are discharged into the Yongxiang Creek, after a night of adsorption stagnation, river and reproduce the large amount of oil.

The absorption of oil absorption particles is yellow, and it is urgent to clean up immediately. It is necessary to redistribute the FG oil absorption granules.

On the other hand, our team arranged the transport of relief materials and timely release adsorption pollutants, Hu Wujun immediately in Yongkang emergency linkage WeChat group released? Aid information. At the same time, the command center 110 Tong Tong comrades?actively cooperate with the masses do ideological work, the public security organs and territorial Government Department staff, take the initiative to help solve the disaster relief in the masses do not understand the problem, timely instruction to subordinate units to?do on the dam (booms) night patrol

And other logistics support work, joint efforts to ensure the smooth completion of subsequent interception and disposal tasks.

On the morning of July 16th, the president of the Millennium water rescue team, after receiving the instructions from the rescue team, led the 15 members of the team to reinforcements in spite of last night's work. A group of help transport materials to the upper reaches of the bridge, scloth oil absorption material, a group of water to collect dirty oil. After 2 hours, everyone was physically overspent, and the clothes were stained with oil again. Two rubber boats oiled scrap losses more than 1 yuan is still without complaint.

In July 17th: our team gave up the rest day, continued to transport the materials to the accident area, continued to salvage the dirty oil, and removed all the residual oil and residual oil in the upstream channel with spoon and adsorbent, and collected the waste oil up to 100 kilograms. And nearly 2 tons of pollutants to be below the bridge unified parking, sanitation vehicles burning processing handling. And continue to spread FG adsorption particles (pads) cleaning adsorption. Afternoon to return to the park around the dam to waste oil, has been recovered from the evening.

The weather forecast was heavy to the storm in July 18th. We continue to transport relief supplies, river water pollution spreading oil absorbing materials, will be collected in more than 10 repeated cleaning, Qianxi rescue team support, grab the intercept stagnation dirty oil into the pool surrounding the river together in before the storm, again excluding oil spilled into the Yongkang River danger. Because the oil on the shore is still permeated to the bottom of the river and coming up through the river bottom, so that the operation is removed.

Last to 21 days.

In July 21st, the emergency office held an emergency reporting meeting at the municipal government office, and all sides reported the situation, determined the next division of labor and implementation responsibilities, and continued to fight this battle. The highway traffic police team in Jinhua 4 squadron led the meeting, praising Yongkang's emergency activities as a model.

On July 21st to 25: Wing emergency teams are still on the river every day to clean oil repeatedly adsorption, salvage, replacement of oil fence, the surface residual thick reservoir basic removal is completed, to put FG into the pool of oil oil particles adsorption solid after bagging packing of more than 500 bags, environmental protection bureau sent staff to the scene to direct repeatedly assist the sanitation, assigned to call more than 10 people, spent 3 days time, until July 30th will waste oil cleaning about fishing?More than 26 tons of cleaning and transportation are completed, and the unpolluted incineration process is made according to the planned scheme. According to the environmental protection department, Qianjiang water department several times to the lower reaches of Yongkang river water quality monitoring, were not found any adverse effect.

July 30th -9 month 30 days, the water reservoir has been effectively controlled adsorption treatment, but the new discovery Park dam river bottom continuous infiltration small dirty oil, it was decided in the park dam fortification booms removed continue to do follow-up work, until August 29th, the late salvage bank pollutants, about 4 tons, notice sanitation unified transported to the incineration plant, again dispatched suction drag bar. Oil pollution removal workers in contaminated mountains and paddy fields

As to the end of September 2016, it successfully completed. At this time, the 7.15 major oil spill cleaning task won the curtain.

Five. Conclusion

In the municipal Party committee and municipal government under the leadership of the 7.15 major oil spill incident rescue disposal, greatly enhance the areas of the city environmental protection emergency rescue and disposal capacity, fully demonstrate the power of emergency response in our city, called upon to do, to war, war to win, on a heart. Go all out, timely control of the situation, to prevent a major environmental pollution accident spreading. Experience is: the use of high-tech means to resolve

Environmental pollution risk, scientific pollution control and timely control, no two pollution, follow-up treatment of scientific and environmental protection, can be used for oil spill emergency team for reference. In the future, we will continue to sum up experience and lessons, make Yang's advantages and avoid shortages, and constantly improve the professional team building of environmental governance, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the "five water co governance" in our city.

I hope this emergency rescue the city of advanced experience, government departments such as fire protection, environmental protection, safety supervision, transportation, commerce, agriculture and forestry, water conservancy, and other key enterprises can learn the oil, chemical spill emergency rescue technology, fully pay attention to the construction of civil environmental pollution emergency organization, encourage and support the popularization and application of water pollution prevention and control research science and technology and advanced technological achievements, to strengthen the existing intellectual property rights in our city

Protection, strengthening the publicity and education of water environmental protection technology constantly improve the level of service society.

Postscript: on December 8, 2016 ~9, the fifth oil spill emergency conference & Exhibition held in Beijing, Yongkang wing industry and trade limited company representative static grace Lei, invited presentation at the meeting of my unit specific intellectual property rights advanced oil spill emergency disposal technology and risk control ability, and introduced the Yongkang City 7.15 large overflow oil pollution of Yongkang River incident case, vividly describes the process of my unit rush to the rescue and properly resolve the pollution crisis disposal

The speech of more than 4000 words in the full text. Highly praised by the experts attending the meeting, some experts believe that this is a successful example of emergency oil spill since the founding of new China, which is quick and effective, good environmental protection, good environmental protection and low emergency cost. The case record of the case of Yongkang oil spill emergency treatment has made large posters and displayed it with great praise from experts from all over the world. In particular, the Organizing Committee

There will be no charge for advertising on the medium wing company. Static grace Lei for the experts said proudly: Yongkang will rely on advanced technology, cooperation and innovation, play a role in improving the response to oil spill hazardous chemicals and risk control ability.
