

Source: Yongkang Zhongyi Manufacture & Trade Co., Ltd.Publication time:2021-05-17

Hangzhou Yuhang District Emergency Management Bureau issued a notice on the 15th. At about 9:30 on the same day, the staff of Hangzhou Bochuang Fashion Co., Ltd., located in Liangzhu street, used detergent (inflammables) to clean clothes in a 6-square-meter stain cleaning room. Improper operation caused flashover, resulting in varying degrees of burns to three employees. At present, the three injured are in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College (hereinafter referred to as the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University), and the person in charge of the enterprise has been controlled.
The reporter learned from the second hospital of Zhejiang University that the hospital has treated 3 patients with extremely severe burns, of which 2 patients with burn area greater than 90% and 1 patient with burn area 70-79%. Emergency measures such as tracheotomy, deep vein puncture and fluid treatment in shock stage have been taken. There is already one in operation.

According to Hangzhou traffic economy radio, the family members of the injured said that the door of the explosion workshop was deformed, and people outside the workshop kicked the door open to rescue the injured.
People familiar with the matter said that he was downstairs in the explosion workshop at that time. Two women and a man were injured in the accident. Three injured people were severely burned before they were carried to the ambulance.
According to industrial and commercial data, Hangzhou Bochuang Fashion Co., Ltd. was established in 2017 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan, and its legal representative is Chen Qiang. The company used to be known as Hangzhou hangsi Jinchuang Clothing Co., Ltd., and its business scope is processing and manufacturing clothing products.
It's not the first time such an accident has happened
Cleaning agent because of its low price, strong decontamination ability
It is widely used in manufacturing enterprises
However, some detergents are highly flammable and explosive
Less than three minutes
A factory building can be flashed on Mars in a second
Many business people are totally unaware of the danger
Many enterprises even use this kind of cleaner all the time

Video surveillance shooting of deflagration scene
Yes, you're right
This is the scene of the crash caused by the detergent
How did the accident happen???

Accident situation:
On June 28, 2017, a deflagration accident occurred in a company factory in Ningbo, resulting in the injury of seven employees. It is reported that at 8 am that day, Hu, the company's production director, saw more oil on the floor of the workshop, so he arranged for employees to clean the floor with spray gun water cleaner. Unexpectedly, in the process of cleaning, the vacuum coating workshop suddenly deflagration, 7 employees were burned in varying degrees.
in recent years
Fire and deflagration accidents occur frequently due to improper use of cleaning agents
The users were injured or even died in varying degrees
Similar accident cases:
On April 8, 2018, a fire broke out in an electronic technology Co., Ltd. in Ningbo, killing one person. It is understood that at the time of the fire, the company's employees were using spray gun water cleaner.
On July 17, 2016, a deflagration accident occurred in a plastic company in Dongfang community of Songgang street, resulting in the injury of three workers. After preliminary investigation, the accident was caused by the company's illegal use of "gun washing water" to clean the workshop.
At 9:30 am on December 31, 2014, a gas explosion occurred in Guangdong Fuhua Construction Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. at Gangkou Road, Leliu street, Shunde District, Foshan City, causing 17 deaths and 33 injuries. It is understood that the factory was shut down for inventory at the time of the accident. The initial cause of the accident was that workers used "banana water" to clean the conveyor chain on the assembly line of the workshop, and someone nearby used gas welding for wind cutting. The volatilization of "banana water" was ignited and exploded.
On October 18, 2014, a fire broke out in Longhua Guanlan Qianyuan Technology Co., Ltd., causing three deaths and one serious injury. According to the investigation, the cause of the accident was that the factory illegally used white oil to clean the floor, thus causing the accident.
On August 17, 2014, a similar deflagration accident occurred in a factory in Bao'an District. Four people including the factory owner were injured, one of whom was seriously injured. It is suspected that the accident was caused by the improper operation of workers temporarily employed by the factory, resulting in the explosion of white oil.
On August 18, 2013, workers in a hardware factory in Chayuan village, Huiyang District, Huizhou City used Tianna water to clean the floor of the workshop, causing a fire accident, and 17 people were burned.
On May 26, 2012, the cleaner of a plastic mold factory in Chang'an town of Dongguan used white oil to clean the air compressor, which caused an explosion. Seven people were injured, two of whom were seriously injured.
On March 18, 2012, an explosion accident occurred in Hong Kong. A female cleaner at a fehd refuse station on broadcast Road, Kowloon City suspected that bleaching water was mixed with different kinds of detergents by mistake, resulting in a violent chemical reaction, which led to an explosion. The female cleaner was burned by splashing liquid.
On April 18, 2011, a rare incident occurred in the early morning of Gangwan Tsai, in which four fehd contracted workers went to a back lane of Sheffield road for cleaning. During the cleaning, someone mixed bleach with sodium hydroxide, commonly known as "Gosh's", which produced a pungent gas and caused a violent explosion. Four workers inhaled gas or were burned by the cleaner, and one of them was in a coma, The patient was critically ill after being sent to hospital for rescue.
Under what circumstances can a cleaner cause a fire
Recently, Ningbo Fire Department organized a fire experiment of detergent
They take spray gun water as an example
It reduces the situation before and after the detergent fire
Come and find out
Experiment: what happens when detergent meets fire and heat?
The first experiment is: when the detergent reaches a certain concentration, what happens if it encounters an electric spark. It mainly simulates what happens when the machine in the factory is running or the electric spark is generated instantly by the electrical circuit switch. If the room is using detergent to clean up the oil, this is also the reduction of the explosion accident of 7 people injured in Ningbo vacuum coating workshop in June 2017.

At the experimental site, firemen opened a bucket of brand-new spray gun water cleaner and poured 2 liters of cleaner into the container. Then, firemen in fire protective clothing went to the No. 1 laboratory and sprinkled 2 liters of cleaner on the ground to restore the scene where factory employees cleaned the oil on the ground with cleaner. After the firefighters sprayed the detergent, they left the room and closed the door. At the same time, the staff began to count the time.

One minute later, the ignition order was issued, and the staff turned on the preset remote control device of electric spark in the room. Only 2 minutes and 11 seconds later, they heard a "bang". The fire of No. 1 Laboratory splashed and rushed out, and most of the roof of the room was lifted. Through the monitoring, it can be seen that the clothes on the three dummies in the No. 1 laboratory have been burned.

On one side, fully armed and well prepared firefighters immediately put out the fire with fire extinguishers and water guns to avoid the spread of the disaster. According to the monitoring instrument, the concentration of isohexane in room 1 reached 15.1% in 2 minutes and 11 seconds.

When the electric spark meets the spray gun water

After that, in lab. 2, the fire officers and soldiers tested what would happen in the process of using detergent to clean up the oil in the same room and gradually heating the heating wire. This is mainly to reduce the machine or other items to a certain degree of heat, filled with detergent room what will happen.

When firefighters also sprinkled a brand of detergent in the experimental room, the electric heating wire with power on for only 9.7 seconds ignited the detergent with a concentration of 1.2%, and caused a large area of fire in the room.
I don't know. I'm scared
After using spray gun water cleaner
A little spark can make a room explode instantly
Interpretation of fire experts
"There are many kinds of cleaners, such as white oil, Tianna water, spray gun water, etc. because of its high fat solubility, high volatility and strong decontamination ability, it is often used as a cleaning agent in industry. However, such cleaners are also particularly flammable. When the volatility reaches a certain concentration, flashover and explosion may occur in the presence of electric sparks or hot objects." He is a doctor of State Key Laboratory of fire science and a senior engineer of Ningbo fire brigade.

White oil, Tianna water, spray gun water and other cleaning agents
They are all organic solvents
The common organic solvents in production enterprises are
Coating, glue, solvent, paint, ink, etc
So, what are the common hidden problems of organic solvents
Take notes now

Common hidden trouble in using organic solvent
Organic solvents are volatile. When cleaning machine and equipment with organic solvents, electrostatic and spark are easy to cause accidents. In mechanical repair, organic solvent can quickly remove rosin, welding trace, dust, oil, salt, metal powder and other substances on the surface of the equipment, without any residue, and the cleaning effect is good, which is a special cleaning agent. However, because of the strong volatility of organic solvents, the vaporized combustible gas is volatile to the air during cleaning, and it is easy to cause fire or even explosion in the event of static electricity, sparks or high temperature.
Excessive storage or improper storage of organic solvents. The production and storage sites cannot store organic solvents in excess. According to the regulations, the storage of production sites shall not exceed the use amount of one day and night. Improper storage can easily lead to accidents and environmental pollution.
Ventilation and exhaust system does not meet the requirements. Organic solvents are used in closed or semi closed spaces, and no ventilation and exhaust equipment meeting the requirements of the specification is set, which leads to the accumulation of combustible gases and accidents.
Use non explosion-proof electrical equipment. Non explosion proof electrical switch is easy to generate electric spark when it is opened or closed. If non explosion-proof electrical equipment is used in the place where organic solvent is used, it will provide fire source for explosion of volatile gas of cleaner, and bury hidden danger for fire and explosion accidents.
Poisoning of people caused by the use of organic solvents. Organic solvents have irritating effect on skin and mucosa, and have anesthetic effect on central nervous system. If the contact personnel do not take effective protective measures, do not wear anti-toxic masks, glasses, gloves, etc., it is easy to cause acute or chronic poisoning.
Safety measures for using organic solvents
The storage container of organic solvent shall be sealed as much as possible, and the open operation shall be avoided as far as possible, and the leakage shall be avoided and the emission of volatile gas of organic solvent shall be reduced. Meanwhile, it is necessary to prevent the external air from entering the equipment container to form explosive gas mixture.
When producing or using organic solvents, the workshop and warehouse shall be equipped with electrostatic elimination facilities, explosion-proof lamps and electrical switches. The warehouse may adopt the method of not setting electrical equipment.
Strengthen the ventilation and ventilation of the environment, carry out comprehensive ventilation for the workshop, reasonably set up the exhaust equipment, and effectively reduce the concentration of dilution solvent in the environment.
Organic solvents must be stored in special warehouses to avoid direct sunlight and high temperature environment, and away from fire sources and oxidants.
Try to use low toxic (non-toxic) solvent instead of high toxic (low toxic) solvent, and set up emergency alarm device and emergency rescue facilities for posts using inflammable and explosive substances.

Just to clean up the oil
But at great risk
Do you want to use those flammable and explosive cleaners and how to use them
Enterprise managers should think twice before they act
Safe production,
The alarm rings!
Please let more people learn!
