

Source: Yongkang Zhongyi Manufacture & Trade Co., Ltd.Publication time:2022-11-09

The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, held in Yan'an from April to June 1945, was a revolutionary milestone in the history of the Communist Party of China. During this period, many unknown, special, hard and interesting stories happened.

The venue has been changed several times, and the auditorium is a combination of Chinese and Western styles

As the time and number of meetings of the Seventh National Congress were changed many times, the location of the meeting was determined repeatedly and finally settled in Yangjialing, Yan'an.

With the growing strength of the base areas, the original number of deputies cannot meet the requirements of the new situation. At the request of the Central Committee, local Party organizations have elected additional deputies. In this way, there will be a larger auditorium.

According to relevant materials, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China began to consider holding the Seventh Party Congress in Ansai County, northern Shaanxi, and planned to build an auditorium for the congress there.

In May 1940, Ren Bishi, the Secretary General of the Central Committee in charge of this work, and Li Fuchun, the Deputy Secretary General, personally went to Ansai for a field visit. Through on-the-spot inspection, they found that the environment there was hidden and convenient for air defense, which was an ideal place for holding large conferences under the current situation. However, there are several unsatisfying points: first, the traffic is inconvenient, which means that it is very difficult for the delegates to travel; Second, it is far away from Yan'an, where the Party Central Committee is located, and many problems are difficult to connect; Third, living materials are relatively scarce, and the supply is difficult to keep up.

After reporting to the Central Committee, they had to give up the plan by repeatedly weighing the advantages and disadvantages.

After the Ansai plan was ruled out, the relevant departments put the meeting place in Yan'an Jujube Garden. This place has its obvious advantages and characteristics: the trees are dense and tall, which is convenient for hiding; It is close to the residence of the central leaders to facilitate timely reporting and communication of relevant issues; Relatively speaking, the materials in Yan'an are more abundant than those in Ansai, facilitating the procurement and supply of living materials for the delegates.

So, with the consent of the Central Committee, a large auditorium was built on the hillside of Hougou for the congress, and some caves were built for the delegates to stay temporarily.

However, when everything was ready, they found that the water supply here was seriously insufficient, and there was simply no drinking water for so many people; And the water quality is not very good. In addition, the accommodation of the delegates has also become a problem, which is not suitable after considering all aspects of the situation. So I had to find another place.

Later, after weighing and reporting to the Secretariat of the Central Committee for approval, the venue of the Seventh National Congress was selected in Yangjialing, Yan'an.

Because the terrain of Yangjialing is relatively flat and open; Moreover, many caves have been built, which can be used as the residence of the delegates. Just build an auditorium for the conference.

Shortly after the CPC Central Committee determined the venue, Li Fuchun, Deputy Secretary General of the CPC Central Committee and Deputy Secretary General of the Seventh National Congress, invited Yang Zuosai of Yan'an Academy of Natural Sciences to design the construction plan of the auditorium.

The construction of Yangjialing Central Auditorium began in 1941. The construction team is some construction workers invited from the local area, and the resident troops also take turns to draw out personnel for construction. Staff members and leaders of the central government also find time to take part in voluntary labor. Due to the military civilian cooperation, the construction speed was very fast, and it took only more than a year to complete in 1942. This auditorium is simple, generous, magnificent and beautiful, and reflects the design style of combining Chinese and Western characteristics - the appearance is Soviet style, and the interior is a cave style stone arch structure in northern Shaanxi. The auditorium covers an area of 1056 square meters. The auditorium hall is 36 meters long, 34 meters wide and 11 meters high, and can accommodate thousands of people. Building such an auditorium may not be a big deal today, but it was a "grand building" in Yan'an at that time. At that time, it was the only large building with wooden beams and columns in Yan'an.

The venue of the Seventh Congress was designed by Zhong Jingzhi, a teacher of the Luyi Fine Arts Department. The overall style is simple and innovative. In the center of the rostrum is a huge profile portrait of Mao Zedong and Zhu De, with three party flags on both sides. Five chairs are placed behind the front and back of the rostrum and the long tables on both sides for the presidium to sit on. On the stone arch at the front of the rostrum is written a large slogan of "march triumphantly under the banner of Mao Zedong". On both sides of the slogan are portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. On both sides of the auditorium, there are six large V-shaped flag seats, on which the party flag is stuck, and a placard is nailed, with eight characters of "adhere to the truth and correct mistakes" written on it. On the back wall of the auditorium, there are four characters of "one heart and one mind" written on it. There are 200 benches in the main hall.

Make every effort to raise materials

In the second half of 1944, the Party Central Committee organized relevant personnel to start the work of raising materials needed for the Seventh National Congress. Whether the supply of food, vegetables, paper, medicine and other materials is sufficient or not directly determines whether the Seven National Congresses can be held as scheduled with a large number of people, a grand scene and a long duration.

Due to the war environment and the blockade of the Kuomintang, the supply of goods and materials in Yan'an was very tight at that time. The Party Central Committee formulated the basic principle of raising goods and materials according to the actual situation: to simplify the situation and use local materials as much as possible.

The Seventh National Congress needs to print a large number of conference materials, and paper is the most scarce. This is not difficult for Yan'an people with creative spirit. In the Shaanxi Gansu Border Region, there are clusters of green Malaya grass growing in the roadside wilderness. Its leaves are flat and long, very flexible, and it is a good paper material. Therefore, the members of the Preparatory Committee organized relevant personnel to use the cheap Malan grass that was everywhere at that time as raw materials, and adopted local methods to produce a more suitable Malan paper, which solved the problem of paper supply. The conference materials of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, including the report on the United Government by Mao Zedong, were all printed on this kind of Malan paper.

At the time of the Seventh National Congress, the "mass production movement" in the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region had achieved remarkable results, and some materials were available for the meeting. At the beginning of 1945, the seven grain raising groups organized by the Party Central Committee successfully transported grain from Shanxi to Yan'an. Hearing the good news, Mao Zedong immediately made a final decision: "The Seventh National Congress cannot be postponed!"

Representatives from all sides braved the hail of bullets to go to Yan'an

Although the Seventh National Congress was successfully held, it is little known that these 700 delegates who attended the meeting had come to Yan'an through hardships. It can be seen from the time when the delegates went to Yan'an that the seven delegates were basically determined six or seven years before the opening of the congress. Therefore, the participants embarked on the journey to Yan'an, and started from then on. In the war years, the journey of the delegates to Yan'an was tortuous, full of difficulties, dangers, and even risking their lives. Most of them came from enemy occupied areas or anti Japanese base areas. They had to pass through the enemy's blockaded areas. The transportation was inconvenient. Some of them rode horses, but more of them walked; Because the road is far away and the environment is dangerous, some people disguise themselves as merchants, peddlers or beggars and set out a few years in advance, relying on a pair of footplates to travel day and night; Some were escorted by guerrillas, while others were escorted by puppet troops; Some returned from abroad; Some of them were seriously injured when attacked by the enemy on the road, and even died on the way to Yan'an. Loyalty to the Party and yearning for Yan'an brought the delegates to the foot of the Pagoda Mountain through hardships and dangers.

On January 13, 1942, when Liu Shaoqi was presiding over the meeting of the Central China Bureau of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China informed him to return to Yan'an to attend the Seventh National Congress. At that time, in order to retain Liu Shaoqi, the comrades of Central China Bureau sent a telegram back to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China saying: "If the period of the Seventh Congress has not been finalized or the Congress cannot be held in a short period of time in fact, we still advocate that Comrade Shaoqi should not rush back to Yan'an and stay in central China for leadership. If the Congress has been determined to be held, Comrade Shaoqi can start at the end of February or early March after the enlarged meeting of Central China Bureau."

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China did not agree with the requirements of the Central China Bureau. On January 21, the Central Committee insisted that Liu Shaoqi return to Yan'an and let him solve the Shandong problem by the way.

Liu Shaoqi's trip to Yan'an affected Mao Zedong and the Party Central Committee. Considering that it is a long way from North Jiangsu to Yan'an, and there are many Japanese and Kuomintang occupied areas in between, security is a big problem. Mao Zedong paid great attention to it.

On February 13, Mao Zedong personally called Chen Yi and Liu Shaoqi: "When Shaoqi returns, he must bring a radio station and some powerful armed guards along the way." On the 20th, he called again to emphasize: "The pistol squad guarding Shaoqi must be strong, with competent cadres as the backbone, and must be selected and trained." The use of three "musts" in a row not only shows Mao Zedong's deep friendship with Liu Shaoqi, but also shows the seriousness and complexity of the situation at that time.

Later, Mao Zedong thought that Liu Shaoqi was going to pass through the base area in North China, and sent a telegram to Peng Dehuai, who was commanding the battle on the front line in North China, asking him to send people to investigate the road safety along the way from Central China to North China. Between March 21 and June and July, Mao Zedong sent telegrams to Liu Shaoqi several times, telling him that "every time you travel, you must have security on the road to start".

Mao Zedong was so worried and careful about Liu Shaoqi's trip to Yanchang. According to the staff around Mao Zedong, it was very rare in Mao Zedong's life.

On March 19, Liu Shaoqi and others set out to cross the Longhai Road tightly blocked by the Japanese puppet army and arrived at the anti Japanese base in Shandong at the end of March.

During his stay in Shandong, Liu Shaoqi successfully solved the issue of unity among the leaders of the Shandong Anti Japanese Base Area. Mao Zedong once sent a telegram to Liu Shaoqi at the beginning of July, saying: "We very much hope that you will extend your visit and participate in the Seventh National Congress. Because the road is very unsafe, you cannot take risks. It is appropriate to rely on the army behind the enemy lines. When you travel, safety comes first and work comes second."

In late July, Liu Shaoqi left the Shandong Anti Japanese Base Area, headed for northern Shaanxi, and arrived in Yan'an on December 30.

Chen Yi went to Yan'an to attend the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China from the Central China Anti Japanese Base in November 1943. At that time, Rao Shushi, acting secretary of Central China Bureau and acting political commissar of the New Fourth Army, launched the "Huanghuatang Incident" in order to defeat and exclude Chen Yi. Afterwards, Rao Shushi sent a 1500 word telegram to Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. In the telegram, Rao Shushi first provoked Chen Yi's relationship with Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, then distorted and fabricated a series of facts to attack Chen Yi. At the end of the telegram, Rao Shushi asked the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: "Quickly determine the military and political responsible cadres with characteristics, talents and integrity to help us." In order to get rid of Chen Yigong, Rao Shushi also fooled and encouraged some cadres to send a telegram to the CPC Central Committee to criticize Chen Yi.

Chen Yi also reported to the Telegraph of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the course of the incident, and made great efforts to review his mistakes and shortcomings, expressing his desire to work together.

On November 8, Mao Zedong replied to Chen Yi and told Rao Shushi: "This is not good, but it can be explained and corrected." "We hope that Chen Lai will come to Yan'an to attend the Seventh National Congress. The last time you called and asked to postpone it by one person, we did not know about the discord between you at that time. Now that there is such a situation, and the basic reason is that many inner-party issues have not been explained. For example, Chen Lai attended the Seventh National Congress and stayed here for about half a year, to understand the new style of the Party and many important issues in the history of the Party that should be re evaluated, such as the Fourth Plenary Session was wrong, and the Fourth Plenary Session to During the Zunyi Conference, if we fully understand other issues such as the new Three Principles of Wang Ming's sect, all disagreements will be dissolved and the party will benefit greatly... During Chen Laiyan's period, his position was temporarily represented by Yun Yi, and he will return to Central China after the Seventh National Congress and convey the seven major policies. "

In the morning of November 25, Chen Yi embarked on the journey to Yan'an. After a three-month trek, he arrived in Yan'an on March 7, 1944. On March 16, the Central China Bureau and the New Fourth Army attended the establishment of the delegation to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and publicly recommended Chen Yi and Zhang Dingcheng as Ren Zheng and Deputy Director.

Peng Dehuai and Liu Bocheng went to Yan'an together in September 1943. They went to Yan'an to participate in the rectification movement, and then stayed in Yan'an to participate in the Seventh National Congress. Liu Bocheng was appointed Director of the Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Delegation. He Long, Nie Rongzhen and other leaders from other base areas also came to Yan'an.

Seven representatives from the southern provinces went to Yan'an and went through hardships. In November 1939, five of the seven deputies elected by the Hong Kong Party organization, including Zhong Ming, entered the Dongjiang guerrilla area in two batches. The Dongjiang Column sent people to Shaoguan to join forces with Gu Dacun, the seven deputies elected by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, to form the Guangdong delegation. Later, members of the Guangdong delegation went to Guilin in disguise, gathered at the Eighth Route Army office, changed into the uniforms of soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, and took the military vehicle sent by the New Fourth Army to Taiping Town near Huangshan. Since there was no road ahead, the delegates crossed Mount Huangshan on foot, first arrived at the New Fourth Army Headquarters in Yunling, Jingxian County, and then moved to Dingjiashan, the headquarters of the Southeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Here, they met with 41 delegates from 9 regions, including Zhejiang, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Shanghai, the border between Fujian and Guangdong, and southern Jiangsu, who participated in the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. According to the instructions of the Southeast Bureau, the seven delegates formed a temporary party branch, with Gu Dacun as the secretary. At this time, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent a telegram to the Southeast Bureau to instruct that, due to the deterioration of the situation, the Kuomintang die hards stepped up their anti Communist efforts. The representatives of the southern provinces attending the Seventh National Congress should not go to Xi'an and other big cities in the rear, but to Yan'an from the enemy base areas. In this way, it will be more difficult for representatives from southern provinces to travel to Yan'an.

In January 1940, the New Fourth Army won the victory against the "mopping up". Tongling and Fanchang were conquered successively. The way for the seven representatives to go north has been opened. The Southeast Bureau asked the seven representatives to set out immediately and go to Yan'an via the enemy base area. For the sake of confidentiality, the Southeast Bureau stipulated that the team composed of representatives should be known as the "service team" and designated Gu Dacun as the head of the team.

On January 20, the "service group", escorted by a company of the New Fourth Army headquarters, took two large wooden boats from Wuhu to bypass the Japanese patrol boats and cross the Yangtze River. After that, they followed Luo Binghui's troops over Jinpu Road at night and marched to Bantaji, Jiangbei Headquarters of the New Fourth Army. At that time, Central China Bureau was also stationed in Jiangbei Headquarters. Liu Shaoqi, secretary of the Central China Bureau, gave each member of the "service group" a copy of On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members as a theoretical textbook for their study.

After staying at Bantaji for half a month, the "service group" marched to the northeast of Anhui again, crossed the Gujin River twice, crossed Longhai Road a hundred miles at night, passed through Taierzhuang, and reached Baodugu, the headquarters of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army in the mountainous area of southern Shandong. After a week's rest, the 115th Division sent He Dongsheng, the head of the old sixth regiment, to lead a strengthened company to escort the "service regiment" to the western Shandong region. In a village not far from Dawenkou, the "service group" was surrounded and attacked by puppet troops. Early that morning, Zhong Ming got up and went outside to check the situation. He found that the enemy's mortar shells had hit the next yard. On the march, Zhong Ming was responsible for medical work and assigned a health worker to keep medicine with him. These medicines were purchased by underground workers from enemy occupied cities at the risk of their lives. Zhong Ming regarded them as his own lifeblood. After discovering the enemy situation, he immediately returned to the station and found the health worker to pack the medicine box together. However, when they rushed to the village entrance, He Dongsheng had rushed out of the village with most of the people, and the village entrance had been blocked by the enemy's machine guns. Zhong Ming had to go back with the health worker. On the way, they met another comrade who fell behind. After losing touch with the team, Zhong Ming and other three people did not panic. They tactfully climbed over the back wall and hid in the corn field; Later, with the help of the masses, the guerrillas were found. That night, he returned to the "service group" under the escort of the guerrillas.

The safe return of Zhong Ming and others surprised the comrades. They were so excited that they hugged each other and wept. It turned out that everyone thought Zhong Ming and others had died when the enemy attacked. Gu Dacun was even more saddened and prepared to report to the CPC Central Committee by telegram, taking the blame and accepting punishment. After knowing this, Zhong Ming immediately reported to the Party branch the process of falling behind and the subsequent situation, and made self-criticism.

After Dawenkou was in danger, the "service group" continued to move on, running across the enemy's infill lock line on the Tianjin Pujiang Railway, and entered the base area in southern Hebei via Taixi, Dongping, Huxi and Luxi. In August, the South Hebei Military Region sent a regiment to escort the troops across Pinghan Road. Pinghan Road is the most difficult blockade line for the "service group" on their way to Yan'an. The first time we crossed Pinghan Road, the Japanese army found us as soon as our troops were close to the railway. As the action was exposed, we had to retreat temporarily. After more than 10 days, the South Hebei Military Region sent a battalion to escort the "service group" across Pinghan Road again. The battalion commander led an assault group to quickly reach the post and solve the enemy sentry. The "service group" immediately ran across the railway, ran for more than ten miles at a time, and entered the Wu'an Mountain area in western Hebei. Subsequently, the "Service Corps" arrived at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army under the escort of the troops. At that time, it was the late stage of the Hundred Regiments War launched by the Eighth Route Army. The troops of the Eighth Route Army often moved. The route of the "Service Regiment" to the west could not pass because of the strict blockade of the enemy. They had to wait for the opportunity to move to the Taihang Mountains with their headquarters.

In September, Xu Qianqian went to Yan'an from Shandong via the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and the headquarters sent two regiments to escort him, preparing to fight against him once he passed the Tongpu Road and Fenhe River blockade lines. The headquarters let the "service group" go with Xu Qianfeng. On the way from the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army to Yan'an, the "service corps" broke through five blockade lines, sometimes marching more than 70 kilometers a night. On the afternoon of December 26, the delegates from the southern provinces to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China finally arrived in Yan'an after a hard journey. From the end of December 1939, the representatives of Guangdong Province have traveled more than 10000 miles across 11 provinces for a whole year, which can be described as a hard "Long March". Although the representatives of the southern provinces experienced many hardships and dangers, under the cover of the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army, all 41 people arrived safely in the holy place of Yan'an, without any reduction.

The representatives of the Seventh National Congress of Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei, who were closer to the base area in northern Shaanxi, also experienced dangers on their way to Yan'an to participate in the Seventh National Congress. In April 1940, according to the decision of the Jinchaji Branch of the CPC Central Committee, the seven representatives elected by the Beiyue District Party Committee, the Jizhong District Party Committee, and the Jidong District Party Committee formed a marching team in Fuping County. Zhao Zhensheng (Li Baohua) and other leaders went to Yan'an to participate in the Seventh National Congress. On the way, in order to avoid encountering the enemy, the delegates had to take mountain roads, small roads and march at night. It was very difficult to march. On average, we walked sixty or seventy miles a day. But when we thought of going to Yan'an, the holy land of revolution, to attend the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we were not afraid of hardship or fatigue.

According to the march plan, the team will pass the railway from Baishui Town, southwest of Taiyuan City. That night, after they passed the railway, they continued to walk along the mountain road. Soon, the Japanese found them and shot at them crazily on the top of the mountain. This was an unexpected situation encountered by the representatives of Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei during their trip. At that time, they urgently withdrew from the mountain road and broke through the valley. The enemy did not dare to pursue because he did not know what was true or false, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. This battle caused great losses to the seven representatives of Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei, some of whom were killed, some wounded, and some captured. After daybreak, the surviving delegates broke out one after another. Then, after more than two months' arduous journey, the seven representatives of the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region arrived in Yan'an at the end of June.

According to the records in the archives, the New Fourth Army and the representatives of southern Anhui suffered a lot. When they arrived in Anhui Wuwei, they were detained by the Kuomintang and killed.

By April 1945, representatives attending the Seventh National Congress had gathered at the foot of the Pagoda Mountain from all directions. For a time, Yan'an was full of stars. Almost all the revolutionary elites in modern Chinese history gathered here. At that time, the conditions in Yan'an were very poor. After a large number of deputies to the Seventh National Congress arrived in Yan'an, they did not have large guest houses. Except for some of them living in the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the rest of them lived in scattered offices, troops and schools nearby. Although they lived and ate very simply in Yan'an, the representatives from the anti Japanese base areas behind the enemy lines and the enemy occupied areas had no complaints. When they came to Yan'an, they saw the new atmosphere of Yan'an and the dawn of new China. Therefore, they waited for the exciting moment with excitement.

Many precious moments of the meeting were frozen forever

This conference is an important conference in the history of our party. Its scale and duration are unprecedented. The task of photographing the conference falls on the shoulders of the film troupe of the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army in Yan'an.

In order to film the meeting well, Wu Yinxian, the head of the film group, arrived at the meeting place before the meeting to understand the shooting conditions, study repeatedly and determine the shooting method.

Due to the economic blockade of the Kuomintang, the source of the film had been cut off several years ago. However, Wu Yinxian has always saved the use of film and kept it in reserve. Therefore, whenever an important meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is held, he can still use the only film to record political events of great historical significance.

In order to save film, Wu Yinxian first learned about the main agenda of the conference, carefully calculated the number of films, and made careful and thorough shooting arrangements from the opening to the closing. From Ren Bishi's opening speech, Mao Zedong's opening speech on "The Destiny of Two China" to Mao Zedong's closing speech entitled "Yugong Shifts the Mountain", Wu Yinxian never missed every important agenda and meeting moment.

During the meeting, Wu Yinxian and the comrades of the film troupe were very busy. Some of them stared at the video camera and some of them held cameras, taking both films and photos for the meeting.

Under the difficult conditions at that time, the position of the rostrum in the auditorium was very dark and there was no lighting equipment, which was a great difficulty for Wu Yinxian, who lacked flash lights. We should not only take a good panorama of the conference, but also a good close-up of the rostrum, and also take a good close-up of the leaders' reports... What should we do? He used his brain and took corresponding measures to ensure the smooth shooting.

When photographing the leaders of the Communist Party of China who participated in the Seventh National Congress, Wu Yinxian was ingenious and used a variety of artistic expressions to make the photos not only reflect the real face of the characters, but also highlight the different characteristics of each character when speaking.

At the meeting, Mao Zedong made a political report on the United Government, which enabled delegates to have a deeper understanding of the revolutionary situation in China, more confidence in the prospects of the revolution, and a very warm atmosphere. While listening to Mao Zedong's wise words, Wu Yinxian kept busy. He used both cameras and cameras to capture Mao Zedong's expressive gestures and expressions from multiple angles.

When shooting Liu Shaoqi's Report on the Revision of the Constitution of the Party, Wu Yinxian took a portrait from the side and included a bunch of flowers beside Liu Shaoqi in the photo, making this simple portrait photography artistic. Decades later, the photo was printed as a stamp and became a treasure for people to collect.

When Zhu De made the military report on the battlefield in the liberated areas, Wu Yinxian placed President Zhu on the left side of the picture, making the group images of leaders on the rostrum skillfully become the background of the picture, which not only highlights the characters, but also shows the background of the event. When Zhou Enlai made a report on "On the United Front", Wu Yinxian boldly adopted the technique of overhead shooting, leaving a large area of blank space in the upper part of the picture, and a bright light on the top entered the upper left corner of the picture, making the picture with a strong symbolic meaning: the revolution of the Chinese people was carried forward under the light of the guiding light - the CPC.

Among the many photos, the one of the seven panoramas is the most thought-provoking and also one of the widely circulated ones: striking slogans and banners, solemn and grand scenes of the conference, Chairman Mao Zedong standing on the rostrum to speak, Party leaders sitting neatly on the platform, and delegates really listening under the platform

This panorama looks like it was shot with a wide-angle lens. In fact, under the difficult conditions at that time, Wu Yinxian only had a few old cameras in his hands, and they were all fixed standard lenses, so it was impossible to shoot such a wide scene. Wu Yinxian thought of two methods: one is to take a single photo, and the other is to use the method of taking Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium - film splicing to deal with photos. Later, when comparing photos, people agreed that the effect of splicing was better.

After 50 days of meetings, Wu Yinxian spent every day in the venue, even eating and sleeping, thinking about shooting. When he finished the last shot, he lost a full circle. The comrades of the film group led by Wu Yinxian finally successfully recorded the whole process of the Seventh National Congress, so that today's people can see these precious historical pictures. This is also the first complete film of the Party Congress in the history of the Communist Party of China.

The historical photos of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), in addition to the photos of the meeting places that are often seen, such as Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Ren Bishi and other photos on the rostrum, and some photos of delegates outside the meeting place, there is also a precious group photo of all delegates.

The group photo of the seven delegates that have been preserved now, the delegates in front are sitting cross legged, with two rows of wooden benches with different heights in the middle. Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Okano Jin, Xu Teli, Zhou Enlai, Lin Boqu, Wu Yuzhang and others can be identified, sitting or standing, with three or four rows of people crowded in front of them. Liu Shaoqi, Zhang Wentian, Chen Yi, Ren Bishi, Ye Jianying stood behind Mao Zedong and others. Happy is Zhu De, smiling. In contrast, other people's expressions are more solemn and serious.

Limited by the conditions at that time, this group photo was not sent to each representative. There are more than 750 representatives of the Seven National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and nearly 1000 staff members. It is a huge number to develop a photo for each of them. Therefore, almost none of the seven delegates ever got this picture. At that time, few people could see this picture. It was not until the founding of New China, when the museum displayed this group photo, that some of the Seven Representatives first saw themselves in the photo. Zhao Yimin, the representative of the delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, recalled that the delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was sitting in front when taking photos, which was also a very preferential thing.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Pinian, the seven delegates who served as the secretary of the Yan'an County Party Committee, held a meeting in the Central Auditorium in Yangjialing in the daytime and returned to the Security Office of the Northwest Bureau or the County Party Committee in the evening. Because there is a lot of work, the congress sometimes adjourns and returns to the county party committee. In this way, he did not even take photos of all the delegates. Because I went back to the county party committee, I didn't know to take pictures. Later, I learned that it was a pity. In this way, this group photo may be taken by gathering people together during the adjournment of the General Assembly. It is not easy to arrange the team for hundreds of people taking photos.

Mao Zedong, worried about the election results, came to the counting scene

On the basis of a high degree of democracy and concentration, the Congress elected a new Central Committee after full deliberation and discussion by the delegates. Among them, several comrades, including Wang Ming, made serious mistakes.

As a representative of Taiyue District, Gao Yangwen attended the Seventh Congress of the Party. Before the election of the Central Committee at the Seventh National Congress, Gao Yangwen was elected as a vote counter. After the voting, several tellers were busy counting the number of votes obtained by each candidate in the background (there was no computer at that time, so the candidate's name could only be written on the blackboard, one person said it aloud, and the other person wrote "positive" under the candidate's name). At this time, a tall man suddenly appeared in front of the tellers. They looked up and found that Chairman Mao Zedong had come to their work site.

Surprised, the tellers quickly raised their seats for Chairman Mao.

Chairman Mao sat down calmly, smiled and said to everyone, "You have worked hard." Then, Mao Zedong asked in detail about how everyone got the votes.

They reported to him the number of votes that had been calculated. He also asked about the votes obtained by Luo Fu and Bo Gu with great concern, and especially asked how many votes Wang Ming had won and whether he could be elected to the Central Committee. Because the number of votes has not been counted, the counting clerk answered: "Zhang Wentian got a good vote, while Qin Bangxian and Wang Ming got few votes, so it is hard to say whether they can be elected."

Mao Zedong pondered for a moment, then said, "It's better to be elected." After a brief pause, Mao Zedong said, "The Seventh National Congress is a meeting of unity. Those who have made mistakes are also representative. At least they represent those who have made mistakes with him. We should not push out those who have made mistakes, but unite them. If we have made mistakes, we should correct them."

Mao sat there calmly, patiently waiting for the counting clerks to finish counting the votes.

When Mao Zedong saw that Qin Bangxian (the last but one member of the Central Committee) and Wang Ming (the last but two members of the Central Committee) were finally elected as members of the Central Committee, he was very happy. He said to the tellers, "That's good. The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China has really become a united congress."

Why does Chairman Mao Zedong care so much about Luo Fu (Zhang Wentian), Bo Gu (Qin Bangxian), and especially whether Wang Ming can be elected to the Central Committee?

It turned out that before the Seventh National Congress, the delegates had learned the history of the struggle between the two lines within the Party and made it clear that the "Left" opportunists represented by Wang Ming had mastered the leadership of the Party, causing heavy losses to the Party and the Red Army. Luo Fu made a review at the meeting and gave the delegates a good impression. The representatives were not very satisfied with Bogu's review. Wang Ming, the main representative of the "Left" line, hated his guts even more, and especially gave him a lot of advice. Nobody wanted to vote for him. Many people could not understand Bogu's entry into the Central Committee. Before the meeting, the Central Committee of the Party and Chairman Mao had repeatedly done ideological work for the delegates, which showed that their election was beneficial to uniting those who had committed the "Left" line mistake.

In his report on the election policy, Mao Zedong explained that from the historical experience of the Party, comrades who made mistakes in the past should not be pushed aside, as long as they admit their mistakes and are determined to correct them. Mao Zedong also said at another meeting that these people's mistakes were committed under certain historical conditions. After the rectification movement, the problem has been clarified, so we should not place too much emphasis on individual responsibility. After repeated work, the delegates changed their minds. Even so, some delegates said they would never vote for Wang Ming.

In the past, Mao Zedong also said that when criticizing Chen Duxiu, he laid particular stress on personal responsibility and did not summarize experience enough. It is Mao Zedong's consistent thought to work with people with different opinions.

It is precisely because of this that Mao Zedong was very concerned about whether Wang Ming could be elected and came to the backstage to learn about the situation. It is clear that Mao Zedong can be so magnanimous, regardless of having been hit by the "Left" line in the past, but put the interests of the Party first, and put unity first, which shows how noble and noble he is.

The election of the Central Committee members was originally 45, but Wang Jiaxiang lost the election without more than half of the votes. The CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong had a correct evaluation of Wang Jiaxiang's merits and demerits, and they intended to list Wang Jiaxiang as the first candidate when electing the alternate members of the Central Committee. Mao Zedong said in his work for the delegates that Comrade Wang Jiayang had made mistakes in the line, but he was meritorious. In the second, third and fourth anti "encirclement and suppression" wars, he put forward correct opinions, played an important role in the Zunyi Conference, and at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee, Comrade Wang Jiaxiang, who returned from Moscow, correctly conveyed the views of the Comintern. As a result of the election, Wang Jiaxiang ranked second among the 33 alternate members of the Central Committee.

It can be seen that when Mao Zedong knew the results of the election, he was happy and began to talk again. Mao Zedong and Gao Yangwen have played a role in daily life. He first asked Gao Yangwen's name. Gao Yangwen replied that his name was Yang Wen (this was the name at that time, without adding Gao's surname).

Mao Zedong smiled and said, "Your name is very good, 'Willow, article'." After a pause, he said, "Poplars and willows are good trees, especially willows. If you put the branches underground, they will take root and survive. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, our cadres in Yan'an will go out to work in large numbers. Like willows, wherever you go, you will take root and work with the local cadres and people to do a good job in revolutionary work."

Mao Zedong's teaching greatly inspired Gao Yangwen and influenced his belief and working attitude throughout his life.

Mao Zedong shared a light meal backstage and had a meal of braised pork while talking with everyone.

The Seventh National Congress was always full of an atmosphere of democracy, unity and harmony. Comrade Wang Jiaxiang, Guan Xiangying and other comrades were unable to attend the meeting due to illness. In order to fully promote democracy, Mao Zedong personally assigned someone to bring the spirit of the meeting to them and ask them for their opinions.

The security work is meticulous and seamless

This meeting is not only large in scale, but also long in duration. Before the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Japanese planes flew over Yan'an several times to bomb, causing heavy casualties.

In view of this, in order to ensure the smooth convening of the Seventh National Congress and the safety of the leaders and delegates attending the Congress, the Party Central Committee specially mobilized air defense forces to strengthen security on the eve of the opening of the Congress.

At the end of February 1945, after the winter training, the Central Guard Corps began to prepare for the Seventh National Congress. The Central Guard Corps organized troops to renovate the air raid shelter in Yangjialing and built an air raid shelter from the venue to the air raid shelter. In the severe cold season, the police regiment seized the time and strived for speed to repair the Yanshui Bridge between Zaoyuan and Yangjialing, so as to ensure that the leading comrades of the Central Committee and the delegates attending the meeting could smoothly cross the river every day for meetings and activities.

Under the leadership of Ren Bishi, Secretary General of the General Assembly, and Li Fuchun, Deputy Secretary General of the General Assembly, the Secretariat of the General Assembly, and the Temporary Security Service were established. Chen Long of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Central Committee and Wu Lie, head of the Central Guard Corps and political commissar, are responsible for the work of the Security Office.

The Security Office consists of an internal service group, a security group and an air defense command group. Yang Shi, the head of the Security Section of the Central Organ, is responsible for the internal service team, serving as the host inside the venue and the bodyguard of the central leaders. Liu Huishan, the battalion commander of the First Battalion, and Mo Yiming, the instructor are responsible for the security team, and they are responsible for patrolling the auditorium entrance guard, the area around the venue, the representative camp, and the round-trip route. Luo Zihuai, the commander of the Second Battalion, was responsible for the air defense command group, which was responsible for air surveillance and guarding the mountains around the camp. Zhou Xing, Director of the Security Department of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region, is responsible for the patrolling and guarding of the route passed by the representatives of Yan'an City, South District and East District.

The conference was held in public. Therefore, the venue became an important target for the Kuomintang reactionaries and the Japanese army to carry out destructive activities. In order to prevent the Kuomintang reactionaries and the Japanese army from carrying out sabotage activities, the Security Office, according to the terrain and social security conditions around the Yangjialing Central Auditorium, the venue of the Congress, has adopted strict external control, strengthened air surveillance and patrolling, and strengthened the bodyguards of the central leadership internally.

The guard office is located at the main gates of the auditorium and at the hilltops, highlands and other key points along the wall. It has two layers of internal and external security to form a tight security network. At the same time, fixed and mobile patrol posts have been set up along the routes passed by the central leaders and delegates. The first company, which is responsible for the security of the conference, is responsible for the core security of the conference venue and various parties, as well as the security of the auditorium gates to check the entrance certificates, check and repair the air raid shelter, Yangjialing and Yanshui Bridge. The second company and the third company are respectively responsible for the control of the hidden places in the hills and back ditches outside the walls of the Yangjialing Auditorium, representing the garrison, round-trip routes and the vigilance tasks of the central and military commission organs.

The antiaircraft machine gun company is mainly arranged on the hills around Yangjialing and Qingliang Mountain, and is specially responsible for preventing air attack and air shooting by enemy aircraft.

The cavalry company is responsible for patrolling and escorting the routes frequently passed by the central leadership and representatives. In addition, Wu Lie also selected soldiers who can swim to take charge of crossing Yanhe River to Xinhua News Agency and Jiefang Daily to deliver documents of the conference. Sometimes the Yanhe River surges and the bridge is threatened. Soldiers Ji Yongchang, Li Jianguo, Du Linsen and others who are responsible for guarding the bridge risk their lives to fight against the flood and repair and protect the bridge. Comrade Wang Gengchen, a soldier, was praised by the leaders of the Central Committee for crossing the Yanhe River day and night and delivering documents when the river was wide, the waves were big and the current was fast. (Wen/Wu Wenxiao)

From: Party History and Culture Garden
